The Memorial Hall in Purley on Thames is close to the River Thames and provides panoramic views over the Thames Valley, South Oxfordshire and Mapledurham; an area of outstanding natural beauty.

Picture showing memorial bench installed in 2018 The hall was built as a memorial to those people who lost their lives in the first and second world wars; to provide affordable space for the residents of the village and local areas to use as they so wish. The money to build the hall was raised by the villagers.

Left is the memorial bench remembering the centenary of the ending of the 1914-1918 war

The hall is available for bookings for weddings, parties, group events, art & craft exhibitions and meetings. The hall can accommodate up to 150 people seated.

Ample parking is available outside the hall with the potential for overflow parking onto the grassed garden.

A leaflet is available detailing details about the Memorial Hall.

Coffee Mornings

Why not visit our coffee mornings each Tuesday from 10:30am till 12:30pm for a free mug of coffee/tea, a biscuit and a social chat.

The Interior

There are two main rooms, the Main Hall and the Nicholls Room; the Nicholls Room can be hired independently of the Main Hall.

Main Hall

The Kitchen

The hall contains a small kitchen suitable for serving hot drinks and reheating pre- prepared foods.


The Nicholls Room
Facilities provided are:
  • Table and chairs

  • Hot drink making facilities

  • Crockery

  • Cutlery

  • Disabled toilet facilities

  • Inductive Looped hearing system

  • Wi-Fi

To see the history of the building of Purley Memorial Hall please follow the link below:

History of the Memorial Hall